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Real Stories from MoMilers

Avid runner and Moustache Miler committee member Chris Chan shares his experience with a second cancer scare and how he stayed positive and connected throughout. 

Doug opens up about how his battle with prostate cancer led to suicidal thoughts and the resources that helped him survive.

Tamas Revoczi talks cancer diagnosis and the importance of physical exercise in maintaining mental health.

Gord Kurenoff talks about his brother's suicide and the impact it's had on him and his family.

Kevin Reid tells us why Movember is important to him and how he achieved his status as MoMiler's largest fundraiser to date.

Rob found out he had testicular cancer on his 30th birthday.  He shares his cancer journey, which has a surprise happy ending!

During registration, we ask

Why is Movember important to you?

Here are some of your responses...

We need to do everything we can to support cancer research, it touches too many of our friends and family.

- Jocelyn Schonekess

I support the awesome men in my life and their health issues.

- Denise Miller

I am an oncology nurse and I see how many men are affected annually by various cancers and associated illnesses, I want to participate in raising awareness as well as funds in order to improve treatments, longevity and quality of life of men affected by theses illnesses.

- Kseniya Gavris

It's a great and fun way to raise money and awareness for serious things like treating cancer and mental health problems.

- Scott Daley

My grandfather died from testicular cancer and this one is for him!

- Miranda Thomas-Merkley

My brother-in-law, and my husband's best friend, committed suicide in 2017, plus my father has dealt with serious depression for the past decade. Need to make mental health a priority topic and not be afraid to speak openly about it.

- Lisa Kurenoff

Cancer sucks

- Shaunene Smyth

I lost my mom to colon cancer 5 years ago and think it's important to do my part to help find a cure for all cancers

- Ann Luu

For my friends and family

- Dora Velazquez

As a mom of two young men, men’s health is important to me. 

- Margaret Coe

I've decided to open my mind, heart and mouth to advocate for mental and emotional health.

- Tamas Revoczi

I have two boys.

- Olivia Brown

I believe the more we advocate for those suffering, the more people will feel comfortable speaking up and seeking help.

- anonymous

Men's health is so important and often overlooked!

- Ese Odjegba

I like to run but running for a reason is better

- anonymous

This year the cause directly resonates with me as I lost my dad to cancer this summer. It will be a fitting tribute as he was an avid runner completing 6 marathons after age 60.

- Alison Armstrong

Raising awareness and breaking down the stigma associated with men reaching out for help

- Ellis Gray

Good cause for mens health

- Rob Watson

My brother is a prostate cancer survivor and I want to help others beat this.

- Kathy Enros

I have lots of men in my life

- Doris Sousa

I believe in the importance of there being resources available to men facing mental health challenges, as well as continuing the research to find a cure for Testicular and Prostate Cancer.

- anonymous

My dad had prostate cancer.

- anonymous

I think that testicular cancer sucks and I really would like effective treatments to be in place in case anyone I know (or really anyone) ends up getting it.

- anonymous

Primarily b/c it's important to my friends and my friends are important to me

- anonymous

what a better way to raise money for a great cause, be a great example to my nephew and other lads and make my dad proud at this same time?! Let’s get after it!!! Yewww!

- anonymous

My grandfather battled depression and ultimately took his life a few months after I was born. I never got to meet him and I've always wondered what I missed out on. What I could have learned from that man if things had been different. Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon story and 75% of all Canadian suicides are by men. If I need to rock a terrible moustache to bring awareness to this important cause, then let it grow! See you in Movember.

- Mitch Hermansen

Men's mental health is a fantastic cause.

- Sohail Kamal

I have two male members of my family that have lived through prostate cancer and my father passed away from suicide so the cause is very close to my heart!

- anonymous

To support people like my dad who's fighting off prostate cancer like a champ!

- anonymous

More than one of my family members have been affected by cancer, and this will be my 10th year participating in Movember (with the support of family and friends, I have raised more than $22,000 in that time!). I also strongly believe in raising awareness for mental health and suicide prevention.

- Mike Stewart

male related cancers has affected our family as well as PPA and seeing the support to make this more of a main stream topic is important to myself and the men in my life

- anonymous

Help raise awareness.

- Stuart Bagnall

because I love my prostate!

- anonymous

I lost my grandad to Prostate Cancer, I do whatever I can to give to causes that support mens health.

- anonymous

I can barely grow a mustache and men's health is important, so this is how I support it.

- Mike Stotland

A good Charity to support

- Gordon Forbes

Cancer has affected too many people I know.

- anonymous

I know someone who tried to commit suicide, I’ve also witnessed someone do it. Any event to raise awareness of mental health is a worthy cause that I’m glad to be part of.

- anonymous

I am a dude over 50.

- Mike McCullough

Mental wellness is something we all deserve. And it's time we end the stigmas, encourage treatments and wellness initiatives and support our brothers.

- Jodi Allesia

It’s for a good cause

- Raymond Cayas

My husband and all husbands, brothers, fathers

- Kristie Congram

As a medical professional helping patients with Prostate Cancer, I know the impact, the challenges men face and how these treatments affect the quality of life in most men. They need all the support that we can give. Doing it for the bros!

- Joseph Siriban

I’m a prostate cancer survivor.

- Doug Decloux

My younger brother Ward took his own life in 2017; my father-in-law won a tough battle with serious depression. One person commits suicide every 60 seconds in this world. Somehow we need to stop this and the MoMiler is a great place to start that conversation.

- Gord Kurenoff

Cancer needs to be beat!

- Colby Peters

My family has been affected by prostate cancer in pretty much every generation leading up to my dad and me, great to raise awareness and get him and his friends knowledgeable

- Jake Carey

I work in cancer therapy and research. Cancer sucks. We need to find a cure and put me out of a job!

- anonymous

Their message: aims to increase early cancer detection, diagnosis and effective treatments, and ultimately reduce the number of preventable deaths.' needs to be spread wide and far, and if we can do it in a fun way, with a race, like MoMiler, that's even better!

- Debra Kato

I want the men in my life to take control of their health

- anonymous

Men in my life are sometimes hesitant to address their own health issues due to anxiety, embarrassment etc. and I want all men to feel empowered to take care of themselves

- Lisa Wissink

Because my dad is a cancer survivor!

- Kelly McDonald

I’m 44! And I just found out mental health is something that can’t be ignored...

- Benoit Ferradini
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